Who can create an association?

Any individual person or corporate body.

Where should I go?

At one of the service counters of Associação Na Hora listed below.

Lisbon Registry Office (Benfica)
Address: Rua Augusto Pina, 21-RC, Loja À, 1500 – 065, Lisboa.
Phone: 217 709 030
E-mail: registos.benfica@irn.mj.pt

National Register of Collective Persons
Address: Praça Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira, 1-C, 1500-578, Lisboa.
Phone: 217 714 300
E-mail: rnpc@irn.mj.pt

Citizen Shop (Saldanha)
Address: Rua Engº Vieira da Silva, Edifício Mercado 31 de janeiro, 1050-105, Lisboa.
Phone: 215 853 430
E-mail: sirn.lc.saldanha@irn.mj.pt

Expo  Registry Office
Adress: Campus de Justiça, Edifício L, Avª D. João II, Lote 1.08.01 J, 1990 – 097, Lisboa.
Phone: 211 550 442
E-mail: registos.expo@irn.mj.pt

What must I do?

  • Indicate the denomination you will adopt;
  • Choose a status model;
  • Define a certified accountant;
  • Gather the necessary documentation:
    • Individual:
      Identification document + Fiscal Identification Number (NIF);
    • Collective entity not subject to commercial registration:
      Identification documents of legal representatives + Collective Person Identification Card or the access code to the Electronic Card + Statutes of the corporate body + Minutes of the deliberation of the General Assembly on the creation of the association + Election and swearing in of the entity’s legal representatives;
    • Collective entity subject to commercial registration:
      documentos de identificação dos representantes legais + Ata de deliberação da Assembleia-Geral atribuindo aos representantes legais poder para criar a associação.
  • Schedule a date to form the association;
  • Make the Central Registration of the Beneficiary (RCBE) up to 30 days after the date of constitution of the association.

How much does it cost?

  • Student association: free
  • Youth association: 300 € (which will be reimbursed after recognition by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth – IPDJ)
  • Other types of associations: 300 € 

For more information, click here. 

Source: Associação Na Hora 

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