Legislative Initiative by Citizens
It allows groups to submit bills and participate in the legislative procedure from which they originate. The right is exercised through the presentation of proposals subscribed by a minimum of 20 thousand voters. Projects are presented in writing, on paper or electronically, to the President of the Assembly of the Republic.
In the text, there must be an explanatory statement with the description of the initiative, the legislative diplomas to be amended or related to it, the main consequences of its application and its foundations, in particular the social, economic, financial and political motivations. An electronic platform assists in receiving and collecting signatures.
Citizens’ referendum initiative
The referendum is an instrument through which voters can express themselves on issues of relevant national interest that must be decided by the Assembly of the Republic.
It may result from an initiative addressed to the AR by voter citizens, in a number of not less than 60 thousand. The popular initiative is presented in writing, on paper or electronically.
The platform available for reception leaves the online subscription open in the term chosen for collecting signatures, with a view to its subsequent submission as a referendum proposal.
Suggestion Box
It is intended to collect, informally, suggestions for the political action of the deputies. They are tools that are not to be confused with the other instruments of participatory democracy, such as the right to petition or the legislative initiative of citizens. Such suggestions should fit within the competences of the deputies, but they should not refer to nor address specific parliamentarians or parties. The ideas will be presented on the Parliament website for a maximum period of 90 days.
Colloquiums and conferences
Parliament regularly organizes colloquia and conferences, as well as debates, on matters related to parliamentary activity, providing information on these initiatives, including video recordings. See the agenda here.
Youth Parliament
Program aimed at young people in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic and secondary education, from public, private and cooperative schools on the continent, autonomous regions and circuits inside and outside Europe. It aims to stimulate a taste for civic and political participation, publicize parliamentary activity and encourage argumentation skills in defending ideas. It is the responsibility of the Parliamentary Committee with competence in the field of Education to define the program’s guidelines and monitor its implementation.
Find out more here.
Public Consultations
Public consultation is the way for citizens and businesses to participate in administrative and legislative procedures. It is through it that the Portuguese government consults stakeholders on the main political initiatives, making the process more transparent, accountable and effective. Thus, it is possible to promote an open dialogue, in order to ensure that the rules and regulatory proposals follow the reality and the rapid social changes.
Learn more here.