The Lisbon City Council provides a service called Loja Lisboa Cultura, which provides free information that seeks to resolve specific issues related to the activity of professionals and organizations in the cultural sector. There it is possible to clarify doubts about support, financing, taxes, licenses, copyrights, creation of entities, occupation of public spaces, among other matters.

Learn how to contact:

Telephone: (+351) 218 173 600 – On week days, from 14h to 19h.

In person (by appointment)
Rua da Boavista, 184, 1200-071, Lisboa.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 2pm to 7pm (except holidays).

In Portuguese sign language (by appointment)
Must be requested at least five days in advance by email to 


At the national level, the State promotes, through the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGARTES), policies to support the arts, with the implementation of measures that provide equal access to culture, give incentive to creation, promote the projection of professionals and the diffusion of visual arts (architecture, visual arts, design, photography) and performing arts (dance, music, theater, circus and street arts).

Telephone : (+351) 210 102 540 – Monday to Friday from 10h às 12h to 14h30 às 16h (except holidays).

In Person
Campo Grande, 83,  1º, 1700-088, Lisboa. 

For more information click here.

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