Miguel Vale de Almeida – “Nobody imagines a black Portuguese”

Miguel Vale de Almeida is a professor and a researcher in Anthropology at ISCTE. In the interview, he openly reflects on issues related to community identity and the historical construction of racism, which remains in the State and in Portuguese administrative institutions.

Lúcia Gomes – Racism at Alfragide’s police station

The Alto da Cova da Moura neighbourhood is home to thousands of African immigrants and their children who were born here, but who are not recognized as Portuguese citizens and live marginalized in broad aspects.

Paulo Marques – “The most lunatic is the most healthy”

Presentation of Cova da Moura, a community that remains, despite all setbacks, and that would have much more to offer to Portuguese society, if given the opportunity.

Mamadou Ba – The racist culture that (still) persists

Mamadou Ba talks about racism in Portugal and the importance with which the subject is treated in the political sphere, in this interview held at the headquarters of the organization SOS Racism. He also addresses the next steps of social movements focused on the theme.

Lolo Arkizi – Profile

Lolo Arziki is a young African film maker, born in Cape Verde. She develops her work with a focus on themes such as sexuality, blackness, social inclusion and aesthetic experimentation. She explains what it’s like to be a black, lesbian and activist artist in Portugal.

José Pereira Bastos – “Gypsies have no future in Portugal”

Gypsies have lived in Portugal for over 500 years. They were recognized as citizens in 1822, and since then, officially considered Portuguese in their own right. However, has there been a sincere integration effort on the part of public institutions?

Noel Gouveia – “My daughter will stop saying that she is a gypsy at school”

Stereotyped as unwanted, marginal and immune to civility and social rules, Roma are the only group of Portuguese who have to deal with the High Commissioner for Migration to have their problems resolved.

Adérito Montes – Institutional Discrimination Against Gypsies

Interview with Adérito Montes, president of the Association for the Development of Roma Ethnicity (APODEC) and mediator at the Lisbon City Council. He mainly works in the area of housing, which remains one of the main problems of the community to which he belongs.

Sassá – “Neighbourhoods are already prisons and prisons become neighbourhoods”

In an honest and spontaneous conversation, Sassá talks about his life, his time in prison and the struggle he must face so that one day Portuguese society will not be so harsh with young blacks, especially those who come from the peripheries.

Lola – At Pista da Fonda

Kenzo is an Afrodescendant drag queen and has always lived in marginalized areas of Lisbon. During the day, she works in clothing stores and studies fashion design. At night, he takes the stage and has a crowd at his fingertips.

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