Equal rights and opportunities between men and women. It is, above all, the idea that all people, regardless of biological sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, have the same access and rights, be it in health, education, work and income, or in social participation and politics or freedoms.
The Labour Insertion Office (GIP) of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa.
The Labour Insertion Office (GIP) of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa is part of the GIP Immigrant Network, which has been in continuous activity since its creation. It maintains partnerships with companies and training entities that use its free recruitment support services, discloses job opportunities and also refers immigrant people to training offers.
It is also one of the Network offices most sought after by immigrants of different nationalities, especially the Brazilian, for active job search and/or training and entrepreneurial activity.
The office has registered in recent years the increase in demand for its services by Brazilian immigrants with higher education and with a broader professional trajectory and also by students, also from Brazil, who chose Portugal for further studies, more specifically master’s and doctorate.
Since 2015, Casa do Brasil de Lisboa, through its GIP, has been part of the Networks for Employability – RedEmprega Lisboa (protocol between the Lisbon City Council, the Aga Khan Foundation and the Portuguese Supported Employment Association), being one of entities that make up Redemprega Centro Histórico. Within the scope of this program, GIP Casa do Brasil de Lisboa offers complementary support in first-rate service, called the Supported Employment Office (GEA) and aimed at specific social groups, such as victims of gender and/or domestic violence, with a history or homeless or physically and/or cognitively disabled, and LGBTIQ +, immigrants and refugees.
In addition to carrying out the work of labour insertion, GIP/CBL participates in external actions, such as training and seminars, in activities related to entrepreneurship and collaborates in the research work of researchers who study issues related to work, entrepreneurship and training of immigrants in Portugal.

Text written by Patrícia Brederode, Technician of the Labour Support Office (GAE) at Casa do Brasil de Lisboa