Religion is an important dimension in the lives of many people. There is a plurality of beliefs, religions and alternatives related to faith and spirituality in the world. In immigration, regardless of the type of belief, interreligious dialogue plays an important role in integrating and reinforcing the sense of collectivity of immigrant people. Religion is of a private nature and everyone has freedom of religion and worship, regardless of the type of belief; moreover, it socially plays an important role in integrating and reinforcing the sense of collectivity of individuals. It is through it that many seek ways of belonging and affirming cultural and identity traditions. In Portugal, a share of 88% of the population identifies itself as Catholic, according to the 2011 Census. However, it is possible to notice an increase in diversity in recent years: the share of non-Catholic residents increased from 2% in 1991 , to 4%, twenty years later (INE, 2011).

In Portugal, the Religious Freedom Law  establishes the separation between State and Religion, but recognizes the role of churches and religious communities in promoting peace and social cohesion. The Portuguese government delegates in the High Commissioner for Migration (ACM) the responsibility to work with different communities and to promote interreligious dialogue.

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