Texts and books that are a reference to think about the subject:

  • Taylor, Charles. A Secular Age (Uma Era Secular). Translation: Nélio Schneider e Luzia Araújo. São Leopoldo: Ed. Unisinos, 2010.
  • Mourão, Paulo Reis. Religious Freedom as a stimulus to migration (A Liberdade Religiosa como estímulo à migração). ACIDI, IP, 2008.
  • Junior, Paulo Gracino. “From the kingdom of God to the gates of hell”: Brazilian migration, religious freedom and the transnationalization of Pentecostalism to Portugal. Vol. 11. Observatory for Migration, ACM, IP. 2013.

Available Online:

Religious Identities in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon
Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation/2018

Migration and Religions
Observatory for Migration/2017

Religious Diversity in Portugal
Observatory for Migration/2017

Migration and Religions in the World
Observatory for Migration/2017

The European Court of Human Rights and Religious Symbols: The Wearing of the Muslim Veil in 21st Century Europe 
Observatory for Migration/2017

Religious and Spiritual Worldviews – Didactic Guide to traditions present in Portugal
Alto Comissariado para as Migrações / 2016

From the kingdom of God to the gates of hell”: Brazilian migration, religious freedom and the transnationalization of Pentecostalism to Portugal
Observatory for Migration/2013

Interreligious dialogue in time and 33 ideas for thinking and acting
Alto Comissariado para as Migrações / 2011

Brochure “Interreligious Dialogue”

Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural / 2010

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