The Portal Lisboa Acolhe was developed by Casa do Brasil de Lisboa within the scope of the II Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants of Lisbon (2018-2020), financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration, managed by the High Commission for Migration and the Lisbon City Council.
The project was built by many hands and involved migrant people, associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academia and other people interested in building relevant information to promote the participation and the rights of migrant people in Portugal, especially in the city of Lisbon. Despite having been launched in February 2021, Portal Lisboa Acolhe is a process in constant construction and does not intend to reproduce information from the websites of official bodies, but to promote access to the paths that lead to those informations. In addition, the Portal Lisboa Acolhe shares useful information on health, housing, regularization, gender equality, ethnic-racial discrimination, among many other topics, which are fundamental for migrant people who live or want to live in Lisbon. The methodology used in the project was participatory and 13 focus groups, in person and online, were carried out, bringing together a total of 151 participants.
Building a Portal with a participatory methodology is an important instrument for social transformation. The choice of content based on the needs raised by the people and the entities is a great challenge and an important action to reduce inequalities in opportunities.
The Portal Lisboa Acolhe was born from and for immigrants so that the dissemination of information reduces inequalities and for Lisbon to became more and more a city that promotes equality for all who choose to live here.